Designing your file with Canva? Read this first!

  Providing users with a free and easy-to-use platform to create, share, and also print their latest project has made Canva an extremely popular choice. We’ve noticed that a lot of the files we receive now are created there, so we want to share some brief step-by-step instructions on how to properly create a print-ready…

Print and Paper Myths and Facts Part 1

Print and Paper Myths and Facts   I was recently given a small booklet by a supplier that attempts to “set out the facts in a clear and straightforward manner, addressing some of the inaccuracies and issues” on some of the myths regarding paper, it’s manufacture and it’s use. I thought I would share some…

Print Grows Trees

Fact: Print grows trees…..quite fast! Special features March 15, 2017 | Tony Curcio By Phil Riebel, President, Two Sides North America Did you know that in North America, it takes less than two seconds to grow the fibre needed for a standard #10 envelope (on 100 acres of managed forests)? For many years, International Paper’s…

Going Paperless? An article by Tony Curcio

Ten reasons why everyone should believe in the sustainability of print and paper Special features January 18, 2017 | Tony Curcio Two Sides’ sustainability Infographic is available for download free of charge. Two Sides North America is an independent, non-profit organization created to promote the responsible production, use and sustainability of print and paper. Two…

Penny Sale Ticket Season is Here

A number of years ago we were approached by a local Canadian Legion, who were already customers, about supplying them with Penny Sale Tickets. My response was, Huh? What were Penny Sale Tickets? They showed me a sample and explained how a Penny Sale works. That’s a great idea I thought. Not only that, but…